Before I go on, may I say I watched it a few times before making this judgement. This collab is utter poor. Sorry for saying that, but I really didn't like it to be totally honest. I'm usually tolerante of these things.I absolutly love the ol' blue speed freak but this really didn't do him justice. First of all, it seems a good amount of it is based on the characters looking "dramatic" while they tween across the screen. What the hell does that gotta do with Sonic!?! Second, why the hell did any one of the characters clench their fists all the freaking time? It looked rather silly. Thirdly, it looked to me some people were tracing. And even some of the tracing was poor at that. Also one of the big disappointments for me was the lack of classic battles, such as the climactic battle with the Robotnick Mech at the end of Sonic 2 or the Doomsday level from Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Oh wait, this was all based on the rather sucky new Sonic games and TV series. The only good contribution they ever made to the world was Shadow. sweet_kat22, I've never seen your previous work, but your part was utterly,utterly poor. I mean, you organised the freaking thing. You should have at least have had an above-average part. And for god's sake Llammaldsofsci, you made the collab worse by putting Master Chief in it. I don't hate MC or Halo, BUT THIS IS A SONIC COLLAB. Bit_Master, putting Big the Cat in was horrible, reminding us of one of the biggest mistakes in Sega's history (they got death threats over him). On a positive note, I absolutly loved Ultamite_TH's part. It was utterly awesome with great animation and the way it was presented was excellent. I'll end my rant here. All i can say to some of you is to keep trying to improve. Practice really does make perfect. If you think your fine, good for you. If you had fun with this collab, great. Flash animating is all about having fun. I just didn't like this movie as a whole in all honestly. Good luck with your next movies.